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Career Advisement

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It is estimated today that every employee will have 2-3 jobs in their lifetime.  As a result, sareer advising is an important activity for workers to engage in.  Some become bored or frustrated with their work,  while others have work related injuries or suffer illnesses that prohibit them from returning them to the jobs they once knew. 

Most displaced workers are so pre-occupied with not knowing where to turn they can not see the open door to a new opportunity.   Its at this moment that workers can not see a clear path to new career goals to restart of their careers.  They have no idea of  where to start,  or what vocational or educational requirements will be needed, nor do they know where the money will come from to make a new life happen.  This is where we come in.  

We listen.  We know that you have a lot of talent, and we know there is no need to reinvent your wheel, but we do know that you need to add a new dimension to what you already have.  


Through different resources, including monetary ones,  we can assist workers in getting the retraining they need and the financial assistance to help them make the career change they need. 

Sometimes it means going to back to a college classroom,  other times it means specialized classes in the field they are looking for to meet their goals.  Our vocational consultant is authorized by the State of California. Department of Industrial Relations to provide these services to the worker.

We help you find the light at the end of the Tunnel!


Career Guidance For Beginners

Advisors can help students clarify their goals and lead them to essential career resources.  Capitalizing on such a unique position, the following resources provide insight into the nuances and practices of career advising

Mid Life Dissatisfaction

Mid life dissatisfaction with a career happens and sometimes its the career itself,  sometimes its that the worker just needs to know how to reinvent themselves to feel more productive.  Whatever the reason,  we can help you create your new path..

Side Gigs

Some workers feel the career they hold is good,  but its not enough of what they need and workers can create new businesses or do improve the quality of their families lives.  This could be anything from getting a part time job to going back to school to get a degree or learn a new trade.

SJDB Vouchers

With 25 years of experience in California Workers' Comp Law we have been assigned by the State of California to provide Vocational Rehabilitation Services to Injured Workers in need to retraining to do a new line of work, this program will make them transition to a new life.

Retirement Careers

Today,  people who turn 65 are not retiring.  They realize they need to new set of interests to occupy their time.

Our goal is to help older workers fill their nitche and explore new avenues.

There is nothing that a job can't resolve.

Community Service

Often times,  people just need the satisfaction of giving back.  In doing community service,  people find new passions,  and we here to help you learn about new opportunities.

What a wonderful Counselor and Human.  I was having a really hard time,  and  her positive comments were just what I needed.  Amazing Service A+++

Bea  Barton

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दूरभाष: 310-857-9075

एचईसीए के सदस्य

Career Advisement
दूरभाष: 310-857-9075

एचईसीए के सदस्य

आप्रवासन परामर्श
दूरभाष: 01- 310-857-9075

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