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Providing Everything You Need


Private School Entrance Applications
Grades 5-8

As a parent, it is nerve racking to prepare your child to go through the upper school admissions process.  We as educators and parents ourselves, understand how frightening the process can be,  and we can assist you get through the process.

$250  (per month)

Group Seflie

Career Guidance

Appointed by the State of California,  we assist both students and workers in coping with career decisions and changes within in the workforce.  Let us help you.  Free to those with Work Comp Vouchers

$150  (per hour)

Group Seflie
Students Studying Outside
Students Studying Outside

Weekly, Bi-Monthly, and Monthly Mentoring

We offer 1 hour sessions to students who are in need of college & career prep,  or to those who are international students in need to learning how to study in America.    This includes Immigration assistance.

$150  (Per Hour)

संपर्क में रहो

सबमिट करने के लिए धन्यवाद!

पंजीकरण कार्यालय
दूरभाष: 310-857-9075

एचईसीए के सदस्य

आम कार्यालय
दूरभाष: 310-857-9075

एचईसीए के सदस्य

Career Advisement
दूरभाष: 310-857-9075

एचईसीए के सदस्य

आप्रवासन परामर्श
दूरभाष: 01- 310-857-9075

कैलिफोर्निया में पंजीकृत

© 2023 फाइनर एजुकेशनल एंड इमिग्रेशन कंसल्टेंट्स द्वारा। गर्व के साथ बनाया गया

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