Zergatik hezkuntza eta immigrazio aholkulari finagoak?
Guztion egoera berezia da, eta "aurrera egiteak" ere beharko luke plana. Finer Educational and Immigration Consultants-en, gure helburua estresa eta antsietatea gutxitzea eta prozesua arintzea da. ZUREKIN hasten gara!
We are here to authentically invent a student into someone a high school, college, employer or the United States WANTS!!
M. G Delgado, Ph.D, CA
As a sophomore in high school, I met this counselor who gave me the confidence and helped me navigate the college admissions process as a DACA student. There was no way for me to recieve any scholarship funds except for community based ones, and because of this counselor, I got into 9 of the 10 schools I applied to, I got enough scholarship money to pay for my first year,
Today, I have my Ph.D in Education with a background in Chicano Studies and Spanish, Every Student needs a counselor like this in their corner
Eric, Shangi, China
I am from Shanghai, China. My counselor helped me get into my two top choice schools. I am going to Rutgers University ~ So Happy !
Sharon, CA
Patty -- you did it! Now, it's up to my son to keep it up. He loves the school, and being in a new city. Thank you so MUCH! Anyone who thinks a good consultant is of no use is full of themselves. There isn't enough time to give each student 1-on-1 help they need.
Ezagutza eta prestakuntza profesionala areagotzea. ...
Irabaziak handitu. ...
Funtzionamendu baxuko lan-prozesuak edo harremanak hobetzea. ...
Esperientzia berriak izan. ...
Lidergo rola lortu.
Egoitza iraunkorreko txartela,
Berriro sartzeko baimena
Errefuxiatuen Bidaia Dokumentua
Enplegu Baimena
Aldi baterako I-551 zigilua
Sarrera/Irteera Erregistroa
Iritsiera/Irteera Erregistroa atzerriko pasaportea
Atzerriko pasaportea
Ikasle ez-immigrante-egoerarako hautagarritasun-ziurtagiria
Hautagarritasun-ziurtagiria Truke Bisitariaren egoera
eta gehiago